Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Manglish-Baseball

Today's Manglish I found on the side of a baseball arcade game at the batting center.  Papa took us all to have a go a batting, and though I wasn't really in the mood, I went along anyway.  Who knew I'd find this treasure of a Manglish tucked away upstairs!

"This nostalgic game machine for which everyone was waiting.  Appearance from ATLUS
                       Desire in the interior of your chest is sure to be woken up."

Desire in the interior of your chest?  Oh dear, bilingual dictionaries can be useful...or very, very dangerous if you don't speak the language("I will not buy this tobacconist...").


  1. HAH!
    i think we need to spread that saying around.
    Steak for dinner, you say? Desire in the interior of my chest has awoken.

    That's it. I'm spreading it.

  2. I see your python sketch, and I raise you:

    As a love of language, you might like the newsletter this chap does, too:

  3. @sarah--between your Friday Fun Words, and my Manglish, and , heck, why not throw in the Word Verification words for good measure, I think we could make up an entirely new language. *Way* better than Esperanto..

  4. Alright--which Monty Python have you put up now...
    off to check:))

  5. Oooh--WorldWideWords.... addictive, addictive, addictive! We had several of Charles Funk's books at home ("Horsefeathers", "Heavens to Betsy", "A Hog On Ice"). We used to read them aloud to each other, "Mom! Listen to this one!", and laugh and laugh.

    Interestingly, I looked up the one you were looking for the other day that my sis used "to turn a phrase". He didn't have a listing for it, but did use it in the sidebar as the title for one of the indexes. Maybe I'll have to email that in as a question...

  6. I reckon 'turn of phrase' is manufacturing-related, as in to turn on a lathe, produce. But I'm probably wrong.

    I found World Wide Words after coming across the words 'yclept' and 'donnybrook' both on the same page of a novel. I'd worked them out from context, and resisted the urge for a while, but the itch grew and grew until I gave up. And there they were both on the same site. I was hooked.

  7. That's what I figured about "turn of phrase", too. Ok--I give up. What does "donnybrook" mean? I know that word, but I've never bothered to look it up either. And "yclept"? Is that a word? Wow--never heard it, and out of any context, it's really mysterious! Here's another TED talk that leads to a cool website:

    Erin McKean Redefines the Dictionary

    She's hilarious, too:))

  8. ok--linking text did not work there...

    Here it is again:

    If the link in the last post doesn't work, try that one:))

  9. Yclept: past participle of an old English word for "to call." From context, and from the World Wide Words definition, that's to call, as in to name. I've run across it in only two novels in my entire life.

    Donnybrook:A brawl. From context, something along the lines of one of those massive free-for-alls that erupted in saloons in old westerns. Named after a notorious annual fair in Ireland. I asked my Mum if she'd ever heard it and she recalls it being a 'donnybrook fair' rather than just a donnybrook. (I asked her what she was doing in that kind of bar in the first place, and received a Look...)

  10. Oops, that second link should be

    I'm off to watch TED now...

  11. That's more or less what I thought "donnybrook" meant. Don't know why I had the right image in my head. Where on earth would I have run across it? Dickens? George Elliot? Don't think so. *Not* Austen...

    Yclept--called. Old English, as in Anglo-saxon? Actual old english, not middle english? What on earth were you reading:))?

  12. Can't remember what I was reading. Some read-once-and-throw-away SF novel, I think it was. Some authors just like to throw in the odd unusual word I think. Sort of a tease to the readers. Though I quite like donnybrook. I may try to revive it...

    The other time I ran across yclept was in an E Doc Smith novel (old trashy space-opera). I have no idea why it stuck in my mind.

  13. A trashy space-opera novel that uses the occasional Anglo-Saxon word?...hmmmm.....

  14. Trashy as in quite juvenile, not as in smutty. His novels tended to feature blue-jawed manly men and the like. Quite sexist too, to the modern reader, though to be fair his female characters were quite strong for their day, but still quite prone to the occasional fainting fit.

    But he was fond of odd words and weird sentence structure, "Little knew they that..."

    Good fun, as long as the you keep in mind the standards of the time they were written.

    Here endeth the review...

  15. Oh--that kind:)) Still, I can see how a word like that would stick in the mind, no matter how long ago you'd read the book...
